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If you have a radiation safety question that we have not already addressed please submit it to us.
Before you submit a question please search our list of answers to previous questions. Your question may already have been answered. If you do not find an answer, submit your question, following these steps:
- Select a category
- Tell us your name and email address
- Pose your question
- Review and submit your question
Please note: Our experts are unable to provide medical advice. Medical questions should be directed to your physician.The Health Physics Society does not review or recommend specific models of radiation detectors.
If your question is chosen for an answer, you will receive a response within a week to 10 days. If you do not hear from us within that time, we have determined that your question has already been answered on this site or cannot be answered by a radiation safety expert.
Additional Information
We invite you to explore another website we sponsor that is dedicated to public education. This site (www.radiationanswers.org) contains scientific information about radiation in an easy-to-read format.