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Did you know that you can play a role in determining the governance of the Health Physics Society (HPS)? Toward the end of each year, the HPS holds an election for officers and directors who will take office at the next annual meeting. Candidates for the open positions are chosen in a nomination process that begins long before the election and includes the HPS Nominating Committee and HPS members.
Elective positions of the Society consist of directors and the elective officer positions of president-elect, treasurer-elect, and secretary-elect (depending on which offices need to be filled each year).
Any voting member of the Society may be nominated for an elected position, except members of the Nominating Committee, provided the individual has agreed to serve the complete term of the office if elected.
Any member of the HPS may make a nomination; however, the nomination is stronger with chapter president, section president, or HPS committee chair recommendations or endorsements.
Nominations should be submitted to the chair of the Nominating Committee by 1 April. However, nominations submitted after this date may be considered if time permits.
Click here to find more information about the officer and director nomination process.
Click these links to the HPS Bylaws and Rules for more information:
- Elective Offices and Voting Procedures
- Officers of the Society
- Board of Directors
- Nominating Committee
The call for Board member and officer nominations for the 2025–2026 election year is currently in place, so think about the people you know who would best serve the HPS. And then send their names in to the Nominating Committee. You can have a voice in your HPS!
To submit a nomination or receive more information, contact Nominating Committee Chair Craig Little.