News Archive

30 December 2024
Health Physics Editor's Note: Spooky Reads on a Cold Winter's Night

Brant Ulsh, CHP, PhD, Health Physics Editor in Chief

The February 2025 issue of the Health Physics Journal catches a visit from ghosts of health physics past with Steven Dapra's "A Critique of Edward Calabrese's and James Giordano's Review Article about Ernest Sternglass" and a response by Ed Calabrese and James Giordano. We also look ahead at the ghost of health physics future with "The Future of Health Physics: Trends, Challenges, and Innovation" by Lekhnath Ghimire and Edward Waller. Then we throw in a couple of phantoms too: "A User-Friendly Posture Deformation Program for Mesh-Type Computational Phantoms" by Haegin Han and colleagues and "A Novel Anthropometric Phantom for Rapid Radiological Triage: A Quick Sort Triage Solution" by Hanan Datz and colleagues.

While you are curled up with your favorite warm beverage, you can get a double shot of nonionizing radiation health physics: "An Alternative Approach for Evaluating Induced and Contact Currents for Compliance with Their Exposure Limits (100 kHz to 100 MHz) in IEEE Std. C95l1-2019" by Richard A. Tell and Robert Kaver and "Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)" by Carmela Marino and colleagues.

Here's looking forward to longer, warmer days ahead!